BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: B58TU Engine



The product information "B58 Engine" serves as the basis for this document. This document exclusively describes the changes to the B58 engine and serves to support Technical Service. Due to the hug

 Engine Mechanical

 Engine housing


 Road Sign Recognition

The Speed Limit Information function is known from the G12. Current top speed limitations are detected by the Road Sign Recognition system and displayed in the instrument cluster or the Head‐Up Display in the form of speed limit symbols. Top speed limitation symbol shown in the instrument clust


Concept Addresses, Points of Interest, and the current position can be stored as Favorites. Storing current position as a Favorite General information The current position can also be stored after entering a destination or via the interactive map, even while driving. Storing 1. Press the button on t

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