BMW 5 Series: Operating strategy of the heat management module
The following graphic shows the positions of the rotary valve as the coolant
temperature increases.

Circuit diagram of heat management module in B58TU engine
0 % - Rotary valve closed
100% - Rotary valve open
- Cold start
- Warm-up phase
- Operating temperature
- Transition from normal operation to maximum cooling requirement
- Maximum cooling requirement
x - Rotational angle in angular degrees
- Heater circuit
- Main coolant circuit
- Minor coolant circuit
The openings on the rotary valve vary the cross-sections of the different
coolant ducts as a function
of the rotational angle of the rotary valve. The following graphics
schematically represent the various
engine operation phases, from cold start to maximum cooling requirement.
Point A in the heat management module circuit diagram designates the cold
start with an engine that
has completely cooled down.
Cold-start phase, Bx8TU engine
In the cold-start phase, the coolant c
The positions of the rotary valve at engine operating temperature are shown
by area C of the circuit
Operating temperature, Bx8TU engine
The graphic shows control with the engine at operat
The layout and function of the coolant pump have been revised and adapted to
match the cooling
concept of the Bx8 TU engines.
Coolant pump, Bx8TU engine
Pressure relief valve closed (pr
With the Mobility System, minor tire damage can
be sealed temporarily to enable continued travel.
To accomplish this, sealant is pumped into the
tires, which seals the damage from the inside.
General information
Follow the instructions on using the Mobility
System found on the compressor
Vacuum pump
Oil vacuum pump, B58/B58TU engine
B58 engine, tandem oil pump with integrated vacuum pump
B58TU engine, oil pump
Vacuum pump
Oil pump
Vehicles with a gasoline engine and "traditional brake system" need a vacuum
pump to boost the
pedal force. In vehicles with a gasoline engine a