BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Destination input


 Quick search

Concept Depending on the equipment, Points of Interest and addresses can be searched for by entering a sequence of letters or by searching in the navigation data stored in the vehicle. All entries ar

 Recent destinations

General information The previous destinations driven to are stored automatically. Open the destination from the last destinations 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. "Recent destinations". 3.

 Destination entry by voice

General information Instructions for the voice activation system, see vehicle Owner's Manual. When making a destination entry by voice, you can change between voice operation and iDrive. To hav


 Last calls

The last outgoing, missed, and incoming calls are transferred to the vehicle. Depending on the equipment, the calls are transferred from the main phone and additional phones. Displays 1. "COM". 2. If necessary, "Telephone". 3. "Recent calls". 4. The last calls are displayed. Filtering call list 1

 Stored trips

General information Up to 30 trips can be stored in the trip list. If necessary, delete existing trips to be able to store new trips. Storing The destination guidance for the tip must be active. 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. "Destination options". 3. "Save trip". 4. Enter the name.

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