BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Cooling


 Active air flap control

It was possible to carry over the active air-flap control from the G12. The cooling surfaces at the front of the vehicle can be closed by means of two separate air flaps. This reduces the drag coeff

 Gasoline engines

B468/B58 Engine The B46/B58 engines have two separate coolant circuits. The coolant in the low-temperature coolant circuit to cool the charge air. The coolant in the high-temperature coolant circuit

 Fuel Supply

Gasoline engine System overview of the gasoline engine fuel supply in the G30 Purge air line, carbon canister Fuel feed from fuel tank Data line to fuel pump control module Delivery unit Fuel f



System wiring diagram Horns Horn, left Horn, right Relay in the Body Domain Controller Body Domain Controller (BDC) Steering column switch cluster (SZL) Signal path of horn: When the horn is pressed the signal is received by the steering column switch cluster (SZL). The SZL sends the in

 Using this Owner's Manual

Orientation The fastest way to find information on a particular topic is by using the index. An initial overview of the vehicle is provided in the first chapter. Updates made after the editorial deadline Due to updates after the editorial deadline, differences may exist between the printed Owner's

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