BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound System

BMW 5 Series G30 2016-2025 Training Manual / Infotainment / Speaker Systems / Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound System

System wiring diagram

Speaker Systems
G30 System wiring diagram Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound system

  1. Sound design microphone
  2. Tweeter, front center
  3. Mid-range speaker, front center
  4. Front center LED
  5. Fuses in power distribution box, front right
  6. Tweeter, front right
  7. Mirror triangle LED, front right
  8. Active frequency diplexer, front right
  9. Headunit
  10. Speaker cover LED, front right
  11. Bass speaker, right
  12. Mid-range speaker in the front right door trim panel
  13. Tweeter, rear right
  14. Mid-range speaker, storage shelf on left
  15. Tweeter, rear window shelf, left
  16. Tweeter, rear window shelf, right
  17. Mid-range speaker, rear window shelf, right
  18. Speaker cover LED, rear right
  19. Mid-range speaker, rear right
  20. Fuse in the power distribution box, battery
  21. Luggage compartment power distribution box fuse
  22. CAN terminator
  23. Active Sound Design (ASD)
  24. Amplifier Top (top high fidelity amplifier) AMPT
  25. Light Effect Manager (LEM)
  26. Mid-range speaker, rear left
  27. Speaker cover LED, rear left
  28. Tweeter, rear left
  29. Bass speaker, left
  30. Mid-range speaker, front left
  31. Speaker cover LED, front left
  32. Active frequency diplexer, front left door
  33. Left mirror triangle LED
  34. Tweeter, front left

System overview

Speaker Systems
G30 System overview Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound system

  1. Tweeters
  2. Mid-range speakers
  3. Active frequency diplexer
  4. Bass speakers
  5. Amplifier Top (top high fidelity amplifier)
  6. Microphone, driver's side


When removing and installing the bass speakers, it is important to ensure that the gasket is seated properly. If the gasket is destroyed or damaged during the installation, it could lead to the ingress of water into the vehicle interior in some cases.


     Antenna System


    The G30 has different antenna systems, depending on the optional equipment: G30 Antennas overview Telematic Communication Box 2 (TCB2) (hotspot, emergency GSM antenna) Roof-mounted antenna (GPS a


    G30 Antennas - rear window FM1 AM FM2 Roof antenna The TCB2 is designed as roof variant in the G30. The roof-mounted antenna is connected directly with the TCB2 via plug-in contacts. G30 conne


     Concept, General information, Safety information

    Concept The system supports parking in the following situations: When parking parallel to the road, parallel parking. When reverse parking diagonally to the road, diagonal parking. The system orients itself with the middle of the parking space during diagonal parking. General information Ha

     Warning and braking function

    Displays Early warning: Vehicle symbol lights up red Increase distance and brake if necessary Acute warning: Vehicle symbol flashes red and a signal sounds Request for intervention by braking and evasive action, if required Acute warning: Person symbol flashes red and a s

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