BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Adjusting


 General information

Navigation settings can be individually configured. Settings are stored for the driver profile currently used. Services Concept The vehicle offers different functions, whose use requires a data trans


Concept The route criteria can be individually adjusted. The settings are stored as standard and automatically applied to new destination guidances. Set route criteria 1. Press the button on the Con




On the G30 the stratification for the driver/front passenger is not adjusted in the usual manner by the knurled wheels on the front dash panel. Instead, there is a menu button located in the center of the IHKA control panel. Pressing this button opens the IHKA menu in the CID. Once the menu is di


Button on the steering wheel Steering and traffic jam assistant on/ off Radar sensors The radar sensors are located in the bumpers. Front center bumper. Front side bumper. Rear bumper. Always keep the bumper in the area of the radar sensors clean and unobstructed. Camera The camera is installe

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